News and research

On this page, you will find current research and news relating to genomics and genomic testing: explore here if you are interested in new research or advances in the area of genomics.

A Question of Ethics

The ethical issues surrounding genomic testing are often complex and varied. A Question of Ethics is a four-part blog series by Australian Genomics, in collaboration with the Biomedical Ethics Research Group at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

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Becoming Involved in Research

The involvement of community members in the actual process and design of health research would be much more prevalent if people were aware they could do it, an Australian Genomics…

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Preventative DNA screening for young Australians

In a world-first, Monash University is leading a DNA screening program that will allow Australians aged 18-40 to assess their risk of cancer and heart disease. It is thought that early detection of these diseases will allow young Australians to make more informed health decisions.

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Queensland Genomics Patient Toolkit

Queensland Genomics have produced a Genomics Information Toolkit for patients and families affected by rare disease. Information provided includes: what genomics is,
how it might help you or your family, where Queenslanders can get testing and the different kinds of genetic tests that are available.

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