Other sources of information about genomics

Here, you will find resources that help explain genetics, genomics and genomic testing. Some of this material was developed by Australian Genomics, specifically for Australians. Other resources have an international focus and highlight genomic trends in other countries. 

Use the tabs on the right-hand side of the page to sort by category or topic.

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The Undiagnosed Patient Pathway

This online resource demonstrates the different obstacles or challenges a rare disease patient may face at all stages on their journey to a diagnosis. Some of these challenges can include misdiagnosis, repeat referrals and specialist visits, and management of individual symptoms rather than grouping them to discover a diagnosis. Source: Genetic and Rare Disease Network (Australia)
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The participant journey – Australian Genomics Animation

Australian Genomics has released an animation of the genomic testing journey, taking the viewer through the different people and processes involved. This video was created as part of Australian Genomics' First 5 Years celebrations
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